It is the policy of Boise State University to comply with all federal, state and local authorities requiring nondiscrimination, including but not limited to Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, the Civil Rights Restoration Act of 1987, Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972, Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990 (ADA), the Age Discrimination Act of 1975, and Executive Orders 12898 (Environmental Justice) and 13166 (Limited English Proficiency). Boise State is an equal opportunity employer.
The university does not exclude, deny benefits, or subject any individual to discrimination on the basis of race, color, national origin, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity, disability, income, protected veteran status, limited English proficiency, or any other status protected under applicable federal, state or local law.
Discrimination and Harassment Complaint Form
Title IX Coordinator
For more information or if you believe you have been subjected to sex or gender-based discrimination, sexual harassment, or violence, contact Boise State’s Title IX Coordinator:
Office of Title IX and Institutional Equity
Title IX Coordinator
University Plaza, Suite 250
960 S. Broadway Ave., Boise, ID 83706
(208) 426-1258
Title VI Coordinator
For more information or if you believe you have been subject to discrimination on any other basis, please contact:
Office of Title IX and Institutional Equity
Title VI Coordinator
University Plaza, Suite 250
960 S. Broadway Ave., Boise, ID 83706
(208) 426-1258
Office of Civil Rights
You may also file a complaint with:
U.S. Department of Education
Office of Civil Rights (OCR)
810 3rd Avenue #750
Seattle, WA 98104
(206) 607-1600
ADA/504 Coordinator
If you believe you have been denied access to a university program or activity, been denied a reasonable accommodation, or have been subjected to discrimination or harassment based upon your disability, please contact:
Office of Institutional Compliance and Ethics
ADA/504 Coordinator
University Plaza, Suite 250
960 S. Broadway Ave., Boise, ID 83706
(208) 426-1258
Providing Equal Access to Students with Disabilities
Boise State University is committed to creating a diverse and inclusive campus environment by abiding by the letter and spirit of the Americans with Disabilities Act and Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act. Accordingly, the University does not discriminate against persons with disabilities and strives to provide an exceptional academic experience for students with disabilities by providing reasonable and appropriate accommodations for equal access.
Boise State University’s Educational Access Center (EAC) coordinates services to meet the educational needs of students with documented disabilities. The EAC works with students and faculty to arrange reasonable accommodations and promote an environment that is free of both physical and attitudinal barriers.
Students with disabilities needing accommodations to fully participate academic programming should contact the EAC. All accommodations must be approved through the EAC prior to being implemented. To learn more about the accommodation process, visit the EAC’s website.