In an ongoing effort to maintain a safe and secure campus, Boise State University has added a new mobile safety app for the entire campus community: Rave Guardian. This free mobile safety app is available to anyone with a Boise State email address.
The app allows users to send anonymous text or photo tips to the Department of Public Safety for suspicious or criminal activities witnessed on campus. You can also set a safety timer to notify designated guardians while walking across campus or downtown.
In addition, the “Call Public Safety” button will contact the Boise State University Department of Public Safety Communications Center (24/7) with the tap of a finger, providing the user’s information and GPS location while you are talking with our dispatcher. The Boise State University version of the app is available for both iOS and Android devices.
Rave Guardian Safety App
In this video, learn about the safety features that Rave Guardian provides to students, faculty, and staff. Produced by Boise State student Harley Cope. This video is available with captions and a transcript.
Frequently Asked Questions
What is Rave Guardian?
Rave Guardian is a free and optional personal safety app. This app is available to all Boise State students, faculty, and staff who have a Boise State email address. Rave Guardian transforms your smartphone into a personal, mobile emergency blue light phone. This app allows you touch-of-a-button panic calls both to 911 as well as to the Department of Public Safety dispatch center. Additionally, you can select a guardian, including the Department of Public Safety, to be notified in case you set a safety timer and do not turn it off, and you can now text a tip to the Department of Public Safety dispatch center. In the event of an emergency, critical information you elect to share will be provided to the Department of Public Safety to enable them to reach you quickly.
Is Rave Guardian always tracking me?
No. Your privacy is of the utmost importance. You can only be located if you have asked for help. Rave Guardian location information is only enabled when you choose to make an emergency call, send a tip or when your safety timer expires and the Department of Public Safety has been designated as your guardian.
Can Rave Guardian track me?
Rave Guardian makes your profile information and location (if you have enabled the location service) available to the Department of Public Safety if you make an emergency call or send a tip. However, it cannot be used to locate you without your knowledge. If you select the Department of Public Safety as a guardian for a safety timer, your profile information and location are also made available only if your safety timer session expires.
Can the Department of Public Safety track me whenever they want?
No. The Boise State Department of Public Safety will only be able to obtain your information if you have asked for help or if you choose the Department of Public Safety as your guardian and your safety timer session expires and not before. Rave Guardian location information is only activated when you choose to activate it on your smartphone.
Is the Department of Public Safety notified every time my safety timer expires?
No. The Boise State Department of Public Safety is only notified of your timer expiring if you have selected them to be your guardian. If you select a personal contact to be your guardian and your timer expires, the Department of Public Safety will not be notified.
What can I do if someone forced me to turn off my safety timer?
Rave Guardian includes a false deactivation code, known as a “duress PIN”, to alert the Department of Public Safety, which is one number higher than your PIN. For example, if your PIN is 1234, you may enter 1235. Rave Guardian will appear to turn off normally, but the Department of Public Safety will be alerted. Please refer to your Rave Guardian profile page under the “Learn More” tab.
What if I forget to turn off my safety timer?
When using the safety timer, the user receives a reminder message at 5 minutes and 1 minute before expiring. If it expires, a call goes active immediately to your chosen guardian(s), and they can call your cell phone. If the Department of Public Safety is your chosen guardian, the call log will display the PIN used to set the timer, and the Department of Public Safety can verify if the person on the phone is the registered user or is in distress.
Are the tips sent through Rave Guardian anonymous?
You can choose to send a tip anonymously or not each time you send in a text or photo tip. To send text or photo tips anonymously, tap the “Send a Tip” button, then tap the “Make Anonymous” option if it is not already selected at the top of your screen. Then, choose your tip category and send your tip. The Department of Public Safety will not be able to see your name, phone number, location or any other identifying information about you. If you do not choose to send a text or photo tip anonymously, your name, phone number and profile are displayed to the Department of Public Safety when you send a tip through the Rave Guardian app.
How does my profile information get collected and sent to the Department of Public Safety?
You will opt in to this service and provide as much information as you would like as part of the registration process. To maximize the full benefit of this service, your user profile should contain a current photo and accurate self-description. The more information you provide in your profile, the easier it will be for officers to locate you if necessary. Any information in your personal profile will only be viewed by the Department of Public Safety if you make an emergency call, send a tip, or if the Department of Public Safety is your guardian when your safety timer session expires. Personal profile information will be treated as confidential information.
Tip: When deciding what information to include, think about what information you would want first responders to know in the event you could not communicate with them.
Is my Rave Guardian profile secure?
Yes. Rave Mobile Safety (the provider of Rave Guardian) uses the latest in security technologies and processes to ensure that all of your information is kept secure and private. Rave also undergoes regular security audits to ensure the information security of data.
Does Rave Guardian work off campus?
The features of the app will work off campus. However, if you have an emergency at an off-campus location, you should dial 9-1-1. The tip feature is for campus locations only.
Can I still contact the Department of Public Safety if I don’t use the app?
Absolutely! When on-campus, you can contact the Boise State University Department of Public Safety at (208) 426-6911. You can also walk in to our office which is located at 2245 University Drive, Boise, ID, or email us at publicsafety@kllkj.net. When you are off-campus, you will want to use 9-1-1.
Can I change my cell phone number?
To change your cell phone number, log into your Rave Guardian account and update your profile with your new number. You will not be asked to create a new profile. However, this is the perfect time to review your existing information, and confirm the remainder of the information is up to date.
Does Rave Guardian work with all cell phone providers?
The basic profile features of Rave Guardian work on any iPhone or Android smartphone running on any U.S.-based mobile carrier network with the app installed on it. Rave Guardian can locate most smartphone devices on the AT&T, Sprint and Verizon networks. Even if Rave Guardian cannot determine your phone’s location, all other profile information will be made available to the Department of Public Safety when you use Rave Guardian.
Will I be exposed to spam messages and advertisements?
No. Your cell phone will receive a text message that provides you with a confirmation number indicating that your cell phone has been registered. No other advertisements or spam will be sent to your cell phone from Rave Guardian.
Can certain factors affect the accuracy of the carrier reported location?
Yes. Factors include, but are not limited to: whether or not you are calling from inside a building or a “dead spot”; the strength of your cell signal, such as proximity of cell towers or satellites; whether or not your phone is GPS enabled and, the type and quality of your phone; carrier and signal. If possible, you should provide detailed location information via text or voice. This will enable the Department of Public Safety personnel to reach you quickly when Rave Guardian is activated.
Will I be able to use Rave Guardian if I do not have cell phone service?
Yes. Rave Guardian will also work with Wi-Fi. However, the features are limited. You will still be able to send a tip or use the safety timer. However, when you make an emergency call, a voice call will not be placed, but your profile information and general location will be made available to the Department of Public Safety. The call 9-1-1 feature in the app works only with cell phone service.